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Vapor    $112

This is the best trad climbing shoe I’ve worn in a long time. View more

 6 prices   $112 →175


It is one of the rare examples of a shoe that you could boulder in (both indoors and out), redpoint your hardest sport climb in, or head out for a day's trad mileage in. It can - and does - do everything very well. View more

 9 prices   $113 →185



Vapor    $115


Arpia    $116


Mago    $116

They edge like a boss, which finally is something you’d expect from them. They are very downturned, which drives an incredible amount of power into your toes. View more

 6 prices   $116 →190



Drago    $117

I’ve found them to be soft, comfortable while also sensitive and precise... But best of all I am feeling things. View more

 7 prices   $117 →200


It is one of the rare examples of a shoe that you could boulder in (both indoors and out), redpoint your hardest sport climb in, or head out for a day's trad mileage in. It can - and does - do everything very well. View more

 4 prices   $117 →185



Arpia    $120

A high performance tool that is geared toward sending steep routes with small, smeary foot holds that you really need to be able to feel underfoot to stand on confidently. View more

 5 prices   $120 →199


Steep, with poor feet. That’s the name of the game for the Furia S. Use them on anything else and it’s like driving your Ferrari to the supermarket. You could, but why would you? View more

 5 prices   $122 →199


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