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Oasi    $104

The Oasi performs really well on steep ground, with the softer sole really allowing you to pull your weight in onto your feet, even on smaller foot holds. View more

 6 prices   $104 →180


For those who want to test the waters of steep climbing, without going straight to a soft shoe, the Hiangle is the answer. Moderately stiff, the supportive midsole means you can stand on small holds with ease. View more

 5 prices   $96 →165



Drago    $117

I’ve found them to be soft, comfortable while also sensitive and precise... But best of all I am feeling things. View more

 7 prices   $117 →200



Mutant    $88

Even with a single quick close Velcro strap, I have no trust issues with smearing and small foot holds. I know when my foot cranks down, the Mutant will remain tight, secure, and in place. View more

 4 prices   $88 →150



Iati    $109

Hits the sweet spot of offering the right amount of sensitivity and precision for most of my sport climbing needs. View more

 5 prices   $109 →185



Neo    $35

If you're after an edge, look no further; if you're after sensitivity it's probably best to look elsewhere. Unashamedly focussed on the trad/sport climber who primarily climbs on vertical ground... View more

 9 prices   $107 →180


Undoubtedly one of the best traditional climbing shoes I have ever worn. They are comfortable, offer great protection while jamming and edge powerfully. View more

 13 prices   $114 →190


A high performance tool that is geared toward sending steep routes with small, smeary foot holds that you really need to be able to feel underfoot to stand on confidently. View more

 5 prices   $120 →199


The La Sportiva Testarossa 2.0 is a great sport climbing and bouldering shoe for terrain requiring edging, pocket stabbing, and pulling the hips in. And the updated heel rectifies the main weakness of the original. View more

 5 prices   $120 →199


It is pointy with a high level of asymmetry (the shoe really emphasizes your big toe) meaning the toes can easily be placed precisely into pockets or onto small edges. All this combined with a down-turned toe means that you can grab edges and pockets with your toes and generate more force through them on steep ground. View more

 9 prices   $112 →185



Satori    $97

... a secret weapon which excel at poor footholds on steep ground, although this comes at a sacrifice of performance on other angles. View more

 4 prices   $97 →160


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