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They have lived up to their reputation as 'edging machines', without forfeiting performance on crack and slab. View more

 14 prices   $115 →165


Edging on a dime' finally had meaning to me, and I quickly learned to trust holds that previously felt impossible to use. View more

 9 prices   $115 →165



Supra    $105

The Supra is a quality work-horse sport-climbing shoe. The shape of the shoe focuses support towards the front of the inside edge, which makes the Supra feel precise when working with the front of your toes, like you would with pockets or edges of a certain shape and orientation. View more

 5 prices   $105 →150



Arpia    $116


Inti    $112

... it was exactly my style of climbing. Overhanging on little crimps and no dynos. At the beginning until nearly the end of the route I didn't believe that I can do it, but two quickdraws before the top I had a little bit of hope, because I knew that I am already quite high. View more

 4 prices   $112 →150



RA    $112

On the thin edges of granite slabs of Boulder Canyon and Vedauwoo, I was able to stand strong and confidently while figuring out the next move or clipping a bolt. In Eldo, Lumpy and Moab, the Ras stuffed into cracks and provided ample support. View more

 3 prices   $112 →150



Tanta    $74

Edging on a dime' finally had meaning to me, and I quickly learned to trust holds that previously felt impossible to use. View more

 3 prices   $124 →165



Arpia    $120


Jett LU    $75


Modulo    $99


Prefix    $54


Rubik    $90

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